Scilab Export is proud to be one of the largest magnets equipment manufacturing and supplier in India. We focus on supplying high quality magnets equipment and its related equipment to educational institutions and industrial as well as research facilities.

Magnets are utilized in numerous industries such as electronics, biomedical applications and even the power generation industries. They are used in the generation of magnetism, data storage, and as driving forces in motors and generators. There are several types of magnets, some of which are permanent magnets, and others are electromagnets targeting the different uses of magnets.

We provide complete magnets equipment such as, but not limited to, permanent magnets, electromagnets, magnetic separation equipment, magnetic stirring devices, magnetic clamps, magnetic health devices, electromagnetism and magnet testing equipment.

Scilab Export will be your preferred partner for any and all purchases of magnets equipment. As a leading magnets equipment manufacturer and supplier Quality enhancement is not just a catchphrase as we have undergone some restructuring to support selling excellent products to a broad marketplace. The magnets we provide have accuracy, durability and are cost effective. Our focus towards customers and their commitment has made them one of the preferred magnets equipment suppliers.

Economy Alnico Bar Magnets

Product Code : SLE/MG/01

Painted magnets sold in pairs with separator and keepers. 
Available in 2 sizes.

One pair of painted magnets with separator and keepers. 

  • 2 x 1/2 x 1/4"
  • 3 x 1/2 x 1/4"

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Bar Magnets, Unpainted

Product Code : SLE/MG/02

These magnets are the perfect size and strength for use with our Magnetic Field Demonstrator to show magnetic lines of force. 
Poles are stamped for easy identification.
Sold in pairs and available in 2 sizes.

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Economy Magnet Kit

Product Code : SLE/MG/03

Kit includes a variety of magnets and accessories for teaching the basics of magnetism. 
This valuable set includes:- 

  • One steel horseshoe magnet
  • 2 ceramic bar magnets
  • 3 ceramic donut magnets
  • 4 metal squares (iron, copper, aluminum, and zinc)
  • Pack of iron filings
  • Natural lodestone, and 2 magnetic compasses. 

Kit includes instructions and storage case. 

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Steel Horseshoe Magnet

Product Code : SLE/MG/04

Painted red with silver poles.
Horseshoe steel magnet set.
Includes keeper. 

  • 75-millimeters
  • 100-millimeters  
  • 150-millimeters


Neodymium Magnets

Product Code : SLE/MG/05

Most powerful permanent magnet, many times the strength of ordinary or other rare-earth magnets. 
Made of neodymium (Nd), iron (Fe), and boron (B). 
Neodymium magnets are more durable than ceramic magnets.

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Magnet Set of 4

Product Code : SLE/MG/06

Set of 4 powerful alnico magnets with keepers. 
Set consists:-

  • 2 bar magnets 80mm x 15mm x 10mm.
  • A small horseshoe magnet 25mm tall x 8mm wide. 
  • A large horseshoe magnet 35mm tall x 15mm wide (Set of 4).

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Cylindrical Cow Magnet

Product Code : SLE/MG/07

Extra-strong, highly polished magnet originally used to protect a cow’s stomach from metal. 
Magnet is 1/2" in diameter × 3" L.
Material: Metal

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Magnets, Ring

Product Code : SLE/MG/08

A pack of 16 ceramic ring magnets, perfect for floating magnet sets. 
Each magnet measures 27 mm in diameter, has a 10-mm hole, and is 5 mm thick.

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Magnet Set

Product Code : SLE/MG/09

Use this set to compare magnet strengths, e.g., bar to horseshoe and short horseshoe to long horseshoe. 
Set also contains a vial of iron filings to visualize magnetic fields and a vial of steel pieces to compare magnet strength.

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Super Floating Magnets Set

Product Code : SLE/MG/10

Use this set to compare magnet strengths, e.g., bar to horseshoe and short horseshoe to long horseshoe. 
Set also contains a vial of iron filings to visualize magnetic fields and a vial of steel to compare magnet strength.
Size: 1 1/4"H x 1 1/4"W x 6"D

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Magnet Probe

Product Code : SLE/MG/11

Map magnetic fields in 3 dimensions (x, y, and z coordinates) with the Magnet Probe. 
The bar magnet is painted blue on one pole and red on the other pole, making the poles easily distinguishable.
The probe is composed of a small, 1.9-cm-L alnico magnet, which is mounted in a rotating gimbal that spins freely.
The result is an intuitive tool used to visualize the magnetic fields around magnets, electromagnets, and other sources.
Durable plastic construction. 
Size: 4-3/4" L.

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Wave Wires Magnet Station

Product Code : SLE/MG/12

Grades 3–8. This exciting demonstration is a great activity to introduce magnetism, visualize magnetic field lines, and even study force and motion through collisions and oscillations from magnetic forces.
Students can watch iron filings dance, propel steel balls inside a viewing tray, create a magnet painting, dangle magnet wires upside down to study oscillations, and more.  
A clear window and transparent tray give students a unique top-down view to observe magnetic force and kinetic interactions. 
Ideal for classrooms, makerspaces, science fairs, STEM programs (with STEAM activities), and other educational settings.Contains enough materials for 1 small group. 

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Early Magnetism Kit

Product Code : SLE/MG/13

This bumper magnetic kit contains a fantastic selection of magnetic material that can either be used by the whole class, or groups for magnetism discovery work. 
The kit contains:-
4 giant magnets, 24 brightly coloured magnetic wands, 200 magnetic marbles, 6 sets of floating magnets, pack of 10 iron filings bubbles, 2 super magnets, 1 tub of coloured paper clips and 2 pairs of plastic cased magnets. 
All of the items are housed in a deep tote tray with lid.

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Magnadur Magnets

Product Code : SLE/MG/14

As used in Westminister Electromagnetic kit.
50 x 19 x 6mm (rectangular).
Pack of 10

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3D Magnets Set

Product Code : SLE/MG/15

Unique 3 dimensional construction system which uses magnetic attraction to link the 108 colourful building blocks.
for construction activities and discovering magnetic properties. 
Includes 2 baseboards. 

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Plastic-Covered Ceramic Magnets, Pair

Product Code : SLE/MG/16

Size: 3" L × 3/5" W × 2/5" D.
The plastic cover lets you wipe dirt right off these powerful ceramic magnets. 
Colorful plastic provides a strong contrast to metal filings when used to demonstrate magnetic lines of force. 

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Magnetic Field Tube

Product Code : SLE/MG/17

For 3-D demonstrations of magnetic fields. 
Tube size: 4" H x 3" diam. 
Comes with multilingual activity booklet.
Redesigned for superior viewing over its lifetime, the Magnetic Field Tube is a sealed plastic display cylinder (now scratch resistant) containing 1.3 oz of steel filings. 
The cylinder has a 1/2"-diam hole through its center in which to insert the super strong alnico cylindrical magnet (included). 

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Magnetic Water Kit Class Set

Product Code : SLE/MG/18

This 6-cup pack of model water molecules is the answer for students thirsting to explore and understand polarity, hydrogen bonding, surface tension, solubility, states of matter, and crystal structure. 
Class Set contains 6 Magnetic Water Kits and carrying tray.
Powerful magnets embedded in the atom centers let students see and feel simulated molecular attraction or repulsion, making fundamental molecular interactions easier to comprehend. 

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Magnetic Field Demonstrator

Product Code : SLE/MG/19

Study magnetic fields without the mess of iron filings. 
The magnetic force line patterns will be very interesting to your students. 
This rugged device measures 12 cm × 22 cm × 1 cm.
Place a magnet beneath the demonstrator and watch the clear lines of magnetic force become visible through the clear sides of the chamber. 
The transparent acrylic case is filled with fluid and fine iron filings and then permanently sealed shut. 
Set the magnetic field demonstrator on an overhead projector. 
Under the bright light of the overhead projector the lines of force are magnified and very clear. 
Try several arrangements. 

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Magnetic Ten Frame Answer Boards

Product Code : SLE/MG/20

These answer boards will encourage learners to participate in class activities. 
Set includes four wipe clean boards and 100 foam magnetic counters. 
The double-sided boards feature a ten frame on one side and a double-ten frame on the reverse. 
Young learners place counters onto the board before holding up their board to display their answer. 
Ten-frame answer boards measure 18cm L x 16cm H.
Magnetic ten-frame answer boards can be used to support a variety of basic numeracy skills such as counting, one-to-one correspondence, number patterns, addition,subtraction and multiplication. 

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Magnetic Wooden Blocks

Product Code : SLE/MG/21

Encourage imaginative play through design and construction, as well as teaching children about magnets. 
The magnets are covered by wood giving a clean and natural look to each block. 
The set contains 30 wooden blocks in six shapes.
Large rectangle: L:10 x W:3cm.

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Magnetic Wands

Product Code : SLE/MG/22

Pack of 6 magnetic wands in bright colours, 1 each of red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple.
They can be used in conjunction with metallic chips and magnetic marbles.
Dimensions: 190mm

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Eco Magnetic Polydron Class Set

Product Code : SLE/MG/23

This is a great way to introduce children to building their first 2D and 3D shapes with magnetic pieces. 
The pieces are made from 30% eco material and are supplied in 4 colours with a neutral on the reverse. 
Designed for whole class use, this 72-piece set contains 36 equilateral triangles and 36 squares. 
The pieces are compatible with all existing Magnetic Polydron sets. 

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Magnetic Activity Kit

Product Code : SLE/MG/24

Easy-to-use kit demonstrates N & S pole, levitation by repulsion, strength and distance, how to make a stronger magnetic field, magnetic fields through liquids, solids and gases.
Consists of 5 anisotropic ferrite magnets, a rod, screw-on caps and washers. Instructions included. 

Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best scientific lab equipments manufacturers, scientific laboratory equipments manufacturer, technical educational equipment manufacturer, technical lab equipments manufacturers, tvet lab equipment manufacturers, vocational training lab equipments exporter.

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Supply of Magnets from India to Finland, France, Tanzania, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Congo, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, United Arab Emirates (UAE, Dubai), United Kingdom (London), United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma Myanmar, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), Fiji, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia. Math Teaching Kit suppliers in Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi (Lilongwe), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Comoros, Congo. Math Teaching Kit manufacturers in Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Niger, Nigeria (Abuja), Norway, Oman, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines (Manila), Poland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya (Nairobi), Kiribati, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Mauritius, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda (Kigali). Math Teaching Kit exportets to Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda (Kampala), Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen , Zambia (Lusaka), Zimbabwe