LED Fluorescence Microscope Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

Product Code : SLE/M/36

Technical specification:-
Wide field WF10X
Infinity plan achromatic Objectives PL 4X/0.10
Infinity plan achromatic Objectives PL 10X/0.25
Infinity plan achromatic Objectives PL 40X/0.65(Spring)
Infinity plan achromatic Objectives PL 100X/1.25(Spring, oil)
Eyepiece tube: Trinocular eyepiece tube with 4 numbers antifungal eye piece with interpupillary adjustment and magnification of 10X / FOV 20 and 22mm or higher. Light distribution 2 way (100/0 and 0/100). Stage Super hard ceramic coated mechanical X/Y stage, rust free, scratch proof, with vernier calibration, should hold two slides firmly.
Condenser: High quality condenser (10X-100X objective magnification), Upright, universal turret type for bright field and fluorescence imaging.
Light source: LED 4W, Uniform light distribution, Intensity controller, having life span of more than 40,000 hrs.
Fluorescent illumination: 100W mercury fluorescent illumination and should have intensity controller, three or more filters (UV, Blue and Green excitation) and four position rotating filter turret.
Objectives and Objective Turret: Four or more position nose piece and facing inward.
Harmonic corrected antifungal PLAN objectives for fluorescent and bright field microscopy; 10X, 40X and 100X objectives.
Power supply: 12V DC, 1.5A (for mains 100-240V AC, 47-63 Hz,) with voltage stabilizer.


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