Research Trinocular Ore Microscope Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

Product Code : SLE/M/29

Technical specification:-
Observation head:
Flat trinocular head inclined at 45°
Eyepiece: Eyepiece 10x20mm
Cross partition: eyepiece 10x20mm
Grid eyepiece: 10x20mm
Illumination: 12v/20w lamp brightness adjustable
Power supply: 110v-220v.
Objectives: 4x, 10x, 25/40x, 60/63x
Nosepiece: Quadruple nosepiece
Compensator-gypsum :1λ ,mica ¼ λ ,quartz wedge
Mechanical stage: Revolving round stage diameter 160mm (approx. )360° rotatable & graduated in 1° increments.
Least count: 0. 1° with vernier
Optional accessories:-    
1)Digital high resolution photographic camera with microscope adopter.
2)Digital cmos camera with high color depth & live images on computer.

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