Student Microscope with Fixed Condenser Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

Product Code : SLE/M/17

Technical specification:-
Features: Para focal, precentred, high numerical aperture, high resolution
Magnification: 50x to 675x
Stage: Full square stage 112 x 112 mm  size with stage clips
Illumination: Plano concave mirror on gimble  mount
Nose piece: Triple revolving
Objectives: 10x & 40/45x (s. L. ) (all achromatic).
Eye pieces: 10x & 15x
Condenser: Fixed abbe type condenser with iris diaphragm
Stand: All metal constructed body with properly balanced , inclinable arm  up to 90 degree for easy viewing
Focussing: Separate coarse fine focusing knobs
Special Coating Having No Effect Of: Moisture, fungus, fogginess or any other weather effect with passage of time.

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